Sponsored by: First Church of Christ, Scientist – South Lake Tahoe

Talk That Inspire


Prayer and Healing: Don’t Make it Complicated

by | Mar 15, 2019 | Talks that Inspire

It is often human nature to want the answers to life’s agonies to be complex. I mean, the problems are complicated, right? Diseases have names we can barely pronounce, let alone understand. Layers of past emotional pain we can’t even begin to unravel. We trick ourselves into believing that if prayer is connected to healing, it must be complex. We search ourselves for hidden sins; somehow thinking that any brokenness, any cracks in our veneer will block our connection to God. We are quite certain that we need to “fix ourselves” first before we can be worthy of God’s healing or grace.

Christian Science, through the demonstrations of Christ Jesus and the teachings of Mary Baker Eddy, leads us away from this faulty way of thinking into the arms of Divine Love. Father-Mother God, Divine Love does not recognize us as faulty or diseased. We are one with God. As an expression of God’s goodness, harmony and nature, we are purely spiritual, God sees us as wholly spiritual.  

The Bible records Christ Jesus as fully understanding his/our connection to infinite Spirit. Jesus was able to heal so many because of a simple foundational understanding, “That which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” (John 3:6)  As we understand our true identity, facing any illness or injury becomes much less overwhelming. We are God’s perfect image. From that clear, pure view we see ourselves as Spirit, God recognizes us, as whole and free. Our thoughts do not dwell on the intricate, entanglements of the pain because God did not create these troubles. They are not a part of who we are. Instead, we release our past beliefs to the glorious understanding that we are already whole. We see ourselves as God sees us, spiritually perfect.

The problems are often complicated but the healing is simple. As we grow in the understanding that we are one with Divine Truth and Love, we have no room for illness and pain.
We all want to deepen our understanding of these principles. If you would like learn more from personal examples of physical and spiritual healing, please join us on May 25, 2019 in Lake Tahoe for Healing Solutions to Life’s Challenges. This free event will feature inspired talks on healing and enlightenment by Fujiko Signs, C.S.B., Beth Packer, C.S., and Nate Frederick, C.S. All are members of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship.

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