Sponsored by: First Church of Christ, Scientist – South Lake Tahoe

Talk That Inspire


Fear of Getting Back to Normal

by | May 23, 2022 | Talks that Inspire

The last two years have been challenging for everyone. While many people can’t wait to
experience life in groups again, many others are having a difficult time finding a “new normal” or re-entering society.

In times like these it is important to remember that phobias are aspects of mortal mind and do not exist in the one true consciousness, the consciousness of Love. Phobos, the Greek deity who provoked fear and panic, was a myth. Phobos is not God and the lineage of named phobias should not be given authority, influence or control in human lives. Phobias or fear is amplified when a person sees themselves as separated from God. We are never apart from God, we live in the divine consciousness of Love and God is Love. Fear dissipates and healing is immediate when we dwell in the understanding that God loves us. The safest place of all is in the eternal presence of Love.

Christian Science teaches that God is Love and that Love embraces and protects all. Mrs. Eddy wrote “Trust in Him whose love enfolds thee…. Divine Love is never so near as when all earthly joys see most afar.” 1. Phobias have no true power and fear cannot rule our lives when we rest in Divine Love. The Bible reminds us, “God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him… There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment.” 2. We can overcome and defeat any phobia with the realization that God does not see us as apart from Him and the Bible reassures us “God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power and of love, and of a sound mind.” 3.

The future may never return to exactly what it looked like before Covid but we can find comfort, safety and complete healing, dwelling in the only true God, divine Love.


The First Church of Christ, Scientist and Miscellany. P. 290
1 John 4:16, 18
2 Timothy 1:7

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